A program that truly engages patients!

Engage more patients at a lower cost, and track their progress with data collected during the program

An APA program to support people with chronic diseases

Go !

Regular physical activity has beneficial effects on health, fitness and quality of life. It is an integral part of the treatment of most chronic diseases in the same way as medication.
Its effectiveness has been widely demonstrated in the scientific literature with a high level of evidence (INSERM 2019, HAS 2019, ANSES 2016).

The benefits of APA far outweigh the risks involved, regardless of age and health status.

A solution for your patients

For Diabetes

  • Reduced risk of complications (25-30% for microvascular complications)
  • Increased insulin sensitivity
  • Improvement in glycated hemoglobin (HBA1c) by an average of 0.7%
  • Improvement in the 5 risk factors for disease progression

For Cancer

  • Reduced risk of recurrence (by 24% for breast cancer)
  • Reduced fatigue related to cancer or treatment
  • Improved tolerance of treatments and their side effects
  • Maintain and increase muscle mass

For any type of pathology

  • Improved physical condition
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved quality of life
  • Improved autonomy
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced complications, including co-morbidities and multi-morbidities
Two women walking around

Kiplin helps you encourage your patients to move

  • A quick and easy way to counsel your patients on physical activity
  • Complete patient management from the beginning to the end of the program
  • Physical activity sessions tailored to each participant’s abilities
  • A detailed report on the progress of each patient
  • A dedicated portal for healthcare professionals to track patient progress
The Program

A fun way to practice adapted physical activity

  • Simple and interactive games to encourage your patients to move
  • Remote sessions to allow any patient, even isolated ones, to benefit from physical activity
  • Numerous slots available to adapt to everyone’s schedule
  • Group-based games with live chat to reinforce cohesion and solidarity
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