The Kiplin Team

A multidisciplinary team supported by a scientific committee, within a company certifed ESUS (Entreprise Sociale d'Utilité Solidaire - Social Company of Solidarity Utility) since 2020.

Based in Nantes and created at the end of 2014, Kiplin counts today 50 employees.

Our young and dynamic team brings together a wide variety of profiles to keep you moving every day! In order to provide the best experience for our users, each team has its own expertise:

  1. Imagine and edit new health games on a regular basis while offering a simple and fluid user experience with the product and tech teams

  2. Animate the games and accompany the users with the customer success team

  3. Develop and supervise physical activity sessions based on games with our APA teachers

  4. Analyze data and provide key indicators with our data team

  5. Continue R&D work in collaboration with the scientific committee with our health project team including a medical officer and a nurse coordinator

  6. And introduce Kiplin to as many people as possible thanks to our sales and marketing teams!

The management team

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